Aspen Plus questions & answers

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Question by JSE
April 25, 2023

Hello. I am a college student who came across Aspen Plus while taking a lecture. There is a Pressure Swing Adsorption in the process I want to implement. The purpose of using PSA is to separate hydrogen and other gases.
Several attempts have been made to add PSA to the process, but the PSA process has not been completed. I wonder if I can't run PSA with Aspen Plus.

If not, could you recommend which device in the Aspen Plus gives similar results?
I will be very happy if you reply.
Thank you.

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Answer by Ashish Bajaj

Yes, the PSA process can be simulated using Aspen Plus. The user should refer to the Aspen Adsorption user guide for more information on how to set up the PSA process.

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